Transforming the construction industry with 5G technology

Although there’s still a long way to go with its implementation, 5G is already making waves in the areas it’s available. EE, Europe’s largest 4G provider, launched the service in select cities in May 2019 and has confirmed a wider rollout across the UK in 2020. When 5G is fully implemented, it promises much faster speeds, more reliability and increased capacity. It will also enable significant commercial progress and vast improvements in data management.
We take a look at how 5G could revolutionise the construction industry in years to come.
Real-time data
The correct planning, implementation and evaluation of a construction project is vital to its success and 5G is set to make this easier than ever. When it comes to collecting, capturing and analysing data, 5G technology enables this in real-time, allowing for on-the-spot decision making and faster rectification of any issues. This allows for multiple people across the world to connect more efficiently through better coverage and higher reliability.
Faster access to information
With 5G, construction businesses will be able to immediately access vital information with incredibly low latency. This will mean teams can perform autonomous and remote construction operations in real-time.
Potential for autonomous solutions
By enabling autonomous and remote operations, this opens up much more potential for completing projects completely by machine alone, without the need of having people on site. Even though remote-control technology exists at present, there’s a delay in connectivity which makes it currently difficult to complete work with speed or the required levels of precision. Not only is this an exciting prospect for productivity in the construction industry, but it could also dramatically improve safety in riskier sectors such as mining and steelwork.
Self-driving machines
Due to considerably faster speeds, the capabilities of self-driving machines should progress quickly. They will be able to accurately map areas, recognise signals and communicate with other machines more efficiently.
Enhanced video capability
While sending video files at the moment can be a timely and unreliable process, site managers will soon be able to record, store and send high-quality video information at the blink of an eye. This will provide construction organisations with the means to manage huge volumes of video information, reducing the need for teams on-site.
With major changes on the horizon, could now be the time to review your construction insurance? To find out more, get in touch with Rollinson Smith Insurance Brokers on 01952 607600.