NFRC Useful Tips Part 1: Roles and responsibilities in the 2015 CDM Regulations

Under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) which came into force in April 2015, any projects that had more than one contractor or designer must also have an appointed principle designer and principle contractor.

Here are the five defined roles and how they work together on a project:

The Client

A commercial client such as a school or retailer will request a project to be carried out. They will be responsible for making sure the principle contractor and designer are carrying out their duties, and that good working relationships are maintained from start to finish.

However on smaller, domestic projects, a contractor would normally take on the management of the process.

The Designer 

Designers might be an architect, consulting engineer, interior designer, chartered surveyor or technician. They ensure that any risks arising from their designs are taken into account, and that those working under their instruction are adequately trained and experienced.

The Principle Designer 

The principle designer has control over the pre-construction phase of the project, and would have construction expertise which is relevant to the project. They might be an individual or organisation, depending on the size of the project.

They work closely with the contractor and client to ensure that they too are adhering to any Health and Safety guidance that’s been outlined.

The Contractor

A contractor manages or carries out construction work required for a project, and can be a sole trader or a business. They will prepare a construction phase plan, manage the project accordingly in line with any health and safety risks identified, and coordinate with other parties involved in the project.

The Principle Contractor

There should only be on principle contractor who will have overall control of the construction phase of the project where more than one contractor is involved.

They need to make sure that those working on the project have the skills and experience to carry out the work effectively. They will also make sure, before any work commences, that every worker has had a site induction, and that there are appropriate amenities for those working on site.